Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Shingles Blown Off Roof?

Homeowners insurance can be a great comfort in times of need, providing financial protection against many unexpected difficulties. But is it enough to cover shingles blown off the roof? In some cases, yes — but it depends on your specific policy and what happened.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Shingles Blown Off Roof?

Yes, homeowners insurance covers shingles replacement. Typical homeowner insurance covers fire, heavy winds, hail, Lightning, and theft. In this case, if windblown off the shingles on the roof, you can claim insurance to replace the shingles.

Roof Decking

When stormy weather arrives, homeowners must take proper precautions to protect their homes and inhabitants. Unfortunately, roofs are sometimes damaged by high winds and heavy rains, causing shingles to come loose or be blown off. This damage is covered under many standard homeowner policies—at least if the case meets specific criteria.

The exact coverage for shingle damage depends on your policy’s policy. You should check with your insurer to determine precisely what kind of protection you have. Generally, most standard homeowner policies will provide some degree of coverage for wind-related damages if the cause was sudden and accidental (such as a storm). If you live in an area prone to hurricanes or tornado activity, you may have added protection for this situation. However, if the shingle damage was caused by poor maintenance and wear and tear from age or neglect, then the policy may not cover it.

Wind damage is one of the most common causes of roof damage, and most home insurance policies cover wind-related roof damage.

Roof damage and specific coverage

However, the specific coverage and amount of coverage will depend on the terms of your insurance policy. For example, your policy may have a deductible that you must pay before your insurance coverage kicks in. Additionally, your policy may limit the coverage for roof repairs or replacements or may only cover certain types of damage.

Reviewing your insurance policy carefully and contacting your insurance company as soon as possible after experiencing wind damage to your roof is essential. Your insurance adjuster will typically schedule an inspection to assess the damage and work with you to determine the appropriate coverage for repairs or replacement.

In addition to working with your insurance company, it’s also essential to hire a qualified roofing contractor to assess the damage and provide repair or replacement estimates. Your contractor can work with your insurance adjuster to ensure you receive fair and accurate compensation for the damage to your roof.

High-risk hurricane zone and roof insurance coverage

However, other factors can affect how much coverage will be given or if any is provided. For example, suppose you live in an area classified as “high risk”” (a hurric” ne zone or areas vulnerable to flooding).

In that case, your coverage may vary dramatically depending on whether you upgraded your policy accordingly. Additionally, certain types of roofs may also affect how much coverage you get — such as metal versus asphalt — so this should also be taken into consideration when determining how much money will go towards replacing the shingles (or repairing them) if they were blown off due to a storm-related incident.

In addition to reviewing your current insurance policy details and possibly upgrading it to include additional coverage for windstorms or other high-risk conditions in your area, you can also take further steps to protect your home from damages caused by severe weather conditions like windstorms or hurricanes.

For instance, reinforcing roof sheathing with extra plywood layers can help keep shingles from being ripped off in intense winds; installing hurricane straps can help make sure trusses remain firmly attached; adding roof clips specifically designed for extreme weather can help make certain tiles stay put when subjected to extreme winds; and rechecking periodically for signs of aging/deterioration will allow you to spot potential problems before they become serious issues needing costly repairs (which may not be covered by insurance).


Ultimately, when it comes down to homeowners insurance covering shingles blown off the roof in stormy weather conditions, it depends on how comprehensive your specific policy is and what kind of shape your roof was already in before being hit with severe winds or heavy rains. So review all these factors carefully before deciding if filing a claim would be worthwhile — and don’t forget to use proactive measures like reinforcing sheathing or installing clips for added security!

Jason Martin

Jason Martin

Jason Martin is an experienced and knowledgeable professional in the insurance industry, with over 26 years of relevant knowledge under his belt. After completing his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Jason got Actuary Insurance Certification in 2005. From 2022., Jason writes educational insurance articles for Please read : Jason Martin biography Write email:

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