How to Get a Replacement Car Key Without the Original? – Insurance Cover Stolen Keys

Have you ever been in a situation where you have lost your car keys? Well, I know most of you are reading this must have been in this situation and are just nodding your head in agreement. This is because losing your car keys is one of the most common things every individual has faced once or more. Usually, people are very concerned about keeping this together; however, many people may be thinking about something else or can be a bit clumsy on their own. Therefore, it is highly frustrating not to grasp where you have kept your car keys, or it may be the case where you have lost your car keys forever.
Why is this becoming such a common occurrence, you may ask.

car key

The cars that used to come previously had spare keys attached in a small box, so you always had a backup in case you needed one. However, now cars are becoming more technologically advanced, and thus the keys are not given. The keys are also expensive on their own, so if you lose your car key, you have to get a new one which can cost a lot. So what can you do if you lose your car key one day? This article will walk you through the steps needed if you do not have your car key and are lost.

Can a Locksmith Make a Car Key?

Yes, a professional locksmith can if a car key is lost or damaged. An automotive locksmith can make a new car key.

We will advise you in the beginning that you should always have a backup of your car key. This means that whenever you purchase a car, you should make sure that there is a copy of the legend created if you cannot find your original one or get lost. You should also bear in mind that replacing or getting a new car key is expensive as well.

How to Get a Replacement Car Key Without The Original?

To get a replacement car key without the original require you to visit a locksmith at your authorized car’s service center. A locksmith can replace a car key even without the original key using a unique code. However,  the locksmith will ask you to provide proof of vehicle ownership and an identity document.

The cost of keys replacement is expensive, so can you use your insurance?

Does car insurance cover lose or stolen keys?

Usually, standard car insurance does not cover lost or stolen keys. However, if you have premium car insurance or KASKO or any comprehensive coverage, in that case, your insurance will cover stolen car and stolen keys.


How to Start a Keyless Car Without the Key?

Most manufacturers provide a backup system like an app accessible from a mobile phone that enables a keyless car to function when the key fob is dead/damaged. To start a keyless vehicle without the key:

  • Download the app and activate the door unlock feature and vehicle start features that unlock your car from a mobile phone.
  • Enable this feature to help you (if the part isn’t activated before the key fob was damaged or dead, it might be impossible to start your car).
  • If enabled, the battery should be charged enough.
  • Push the vehicle without matching the brake and press the ignition button twice.
  • The car will start when you bypass the ignition system by joining several cables. However, this is quite technical and may need the attention of a professional.

How to Turn Ignition Without Key?

To turn an ignition without a key. You may do this:

  • Bypass the ignition lock (only attempted in the case of a lost key).
  • Get three clip leads and a screwdriver.
  • Open the panel below the steering wheel.
  • Gain access to the wires but be careful wires do not touch each other or metal.
  • Afterward, identify the battery cord and ignition cord.
  • Intertwine both cords, and the car light comes on, which signals the proper connection.
  • Touch the starter to battery and ignition cord carefully to avoid sparks.
  • Try to start the car.

How Do You Duplicate a Car’s Key Without the Original?

To duplicate a key without the original:

  • Contact a locksmith to create a car key using a code.
  • Provide proof of ownership of the vehicle and an identity document.
  • The locksmith will use the key code found in the vehicle manual or on the label with the key.
  • To input, the code found into a device and look for a match from different manufacturers.
  • The locksmith will examine the lock cylinders using tools to determine the designs and depth of the key.
  • The professional locksmith would take a part of the cylinder in reach to carefully analyze the cylinder to make a new key.

What Keys Can Not Be Duplicated?

This series of keys cannot be duplicated: 

  • Tubular keys.
  • Four-sided keys.
  • Laser-cut car keys.
  • Abloy keys.
  • Internal cut keys.
  • Transponder keys.
  • VAT keys.

Conventional keys

By conventional keys, we refer to the old-fashioned and traditional keys that are most efficient for opening and closing your car’s locks. It is a mechanical working that turns your vehicle on and off by the ignition method.
What should you do if you lose your conventional car key?

Conventional keys
If you lose your conventional car key, it is best to refer to an expert or a locksmith in this case. He will be better able to help you make the car key on the spot and help you start your car again. However, there are different ways to get your car key in a brand new course in other cases. This calls for making it again or buying new things known as ignition cylinders. This can be made from any key maker or purchased from any shop that repairs car parts and sells spare parts.

Key Fobs

Although you may have used a key fob, you might still wonder what a key fob is. First, let us tell you that a key fob is an electronic device with keys. They have different buttons which serve various functions, such as locking and unlocking the doors of the cars.

Key Fobs
What should you do if you lose your key fob?
If you lose your key fob, there is nothing to worry about. This is because key fobs do not help you drive the car. You can still perform other functions mechanically if you have the essential handy. For example, you can open the car and drive using your key. If you need a key fob, you can go to the market and purchase a brand new one. You do not need any particular expertise to make one, so you can visit your trusted repair shop to get a new one.

Switchblade Keys

After the key fobs became the new norm and easy to use, some auto companies went one step ahead. They combined the keys and the key fobs, which resulted in a switchblade key that meant that the legends came out of the fob and worked as their part. A button on the fob brings the key out when you press it.

Switchblade Keys
What happens if you lose your switchblade key?
If you lose your switchblade key, it is a bit expensive and complicated compared to losing your traditional car keys and car fob. You would have to get one made from scratch and visit an automobile shop that is an expert in this. Furthermore, you can also check websites online that deal with making and selling trusted switchblade keys. This is entirely up to you, whether you want to purchase it online or get it made from a shop.

Transponder Keys

One may be wondering what transponder keys are. Speaking simply, this is when you combine both technology and mechanics. For example, a simple car key is used to open and close the car’s door and drive it; however, the transponder keys take it up a notch. The transponder keys have a small chip inserted at the side of the legend connected to the car and only start ignition when a wireless connection is established. This is mainly used as an anti-theft device to help people not get their vehicles stolen.

Transponder Keys
What happens when you lose your transponder keys?
When technology is involved in a simple mechanical job, it does make simple things a bit more complicated. For example, if you lose your transponder keys, there is no option other than getting your car towed. You can make a new transponder key or purchase it; however, you must prove that the vehicle is yours. This can be done by presenting the car documents as proof. Getting a transponder key in this way can thus take up many days (almost a week minimum) and, therefore, can be quite a fix for you. The dealer will then establish the connection between the car and the key.

Smart keys

Some new cars come in with a “smart key” ignition system. This means that there is no key. However, a little button or a sensor is at the side of the driver’s seat. It works by sensing that the car needs to be driven and closes when the door is shut down. This works well as you do not have to care for the car key or carry it around. However, the downside is that the system is purely technological, and there can be some technical issues. You, therefore, need a very efficient system overall.

smart car key

Like losing your transponder keys, losing smart keys is also very complicated. First, you would have to tow your car and give certain documents to prove that the vehicle is yours. This means submitting the purchasing papers, car ownership papers, and maybe your license. The car dealer will then ensure that the intelligent keys are installed again, which would be costly, and pair them with the vehicle.

Who Can Cut High-Security Keys?

To cut high-security keys require only certified and very skilled locksmiths. High-security keys are designed to be very difficult to cut.

How Do You Tell if Your Key is Restricted?

To tell if your key is restricted:

  • If a key is a high security and inaccessible in the open market.
  • Usually very difficult to duplicate.
  • High security-focused and explicitly made to protect homes and offices that always consider security a top priority.
  • Where separated areas are given access to by only authorized individuals.
  • It was using a complex system of blanks that a certified locksmith can only replicate by the request of the authorized signatory/owner.

How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Car Key?

The cost to replace a car key depends on what type of key. But, keyless remote keys may be expensive to replace. To return a car key:

  • Primary keys and fobs may cost about $50 and $100, depending on the sophisticated design. 
  • Transponder keys may cost around $160 because these keys have chips in them that needs to be programmed to be able to start a vehicle.
  • Laser-Cut keys may cost around $150 to $250 for a replacement (most come with a built-in transponder).
  • Switchblade keys may have a basic or laser cut and cost around $200 to $300.
  • A keyless entry remote known as an intelligent key can cost about $220 to $500 because of the cost of reprogramming a smart key.

Does insurance cover the Car Key?

Yes, insurance can cover car keys to reimburse for the loss. However, a car key coverage or key replacement cover is categorized as an add-on to the comprehensive insurance cover in an auto insurance policyThis add-on insurance may come with an additional premium.

Can You Claim Lost Keys on Insurance?

Yes, you can claim lost keys on insurance if your comprehensive coverage covers stolen car and their keys. Other insurances like renters’ or homeowners’ insurance with coverage for personal property may cover lost car keys in the case of theft or robbery. 

How Do I Find My Lost Car Remote Key?

To find your lost car remote key, you may use a Tile App:

  • Download the Tile app on your phone.
  • After downloading, open the tile app. 
  • Search around the areas where your car keys may have been lost until the tracker is in range.
  • Click “Find” to allow the car key tracker to ring.
  • Pay attention around you for the ring and locate where the sound is coming from.

Can Key Be Made From VIN?

Yes, the key can be made from VIN. If a person proves ownership of a vehicle and VIN, you may contact the manufacturers of that brand of your car with proof of ownership and the VIN. The keys may need to be programmed in the event of a smart or high-tech key.

Can a Car Key Be Tracked?

Yes, car keys can be tracked. Car keys with keyless entry and push-to-start features especially can be tracked. This type of car key releases a signal to be easily traced and tracked to anyone near you that may lead to the keys being hijacked.

How Do You Cut a Car Key With a Code?

To cut a car key with a code, do the following steps:

  • Search for key codes in your vehicle papers or on the key itself.
  • Search the door lock because every lock has a unique code, and the door code needs to match the key code.
  • When the unique code allocated to the car key is discovered, put the codes into the device meant for cutting keys.
  • After the code is inserted into the device, the process may begin.
  • Merge the key with the electronic security device of the vehicle. 

Is There an App to Find Key Fobs?

Yes, there are different apps to find key fobs. Apps like Tile pro, key smart pro, tile mate key tracker, Jay’s finder, Zus car key finder, pro premium finder e.t.c can be used to find key fobs. You may use any of the choices to search for key fobs.

Can a Key Fob Be Deactivated?

Yes, a key fob can be deactivated. From the original database key, the fob may be deactivated to stop the key fob from being used if stolen or misplaced. To deactivate a key fob, you may report to the car dealer or go with the car to the automobile dealer to commence the deactivation process and reprogram a new one.

What Do You Do if Someone Steals Your Key Fob?

  • Go to a law enforcement officer and make a complaint to file a theft report.
  • Keep track using any key fob app finder to know if the key fob is within the environment. 
  • If the key fob can’t be tracked, get towing services to put your car in a safe place. 
  • Reach out to your car dealer to deactivate the stolen key fobs and re-program a new one.

Can Key Fobs Be Hacked?

Yes, key fobs can be hacked. In recent technology and car update, a gadget could trick the car and key fob to mimic being within the range of each other, sending a similar signal to the original to make the programming change and unlock the vehicle.


Jason Martin

Jason Martin

Jason Martin is an experienced and knowledgeable professional in the insurance industry, with over 26 years of relevant knowledge under his belt. After completing his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Jason got Actuary Insurance Certification in 2005. From 2022., Jason writes educational insurance articles for Please read : Jason Martin biography Write email:

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